Support your Independent Bookstore📚
Shop local: Whenever possible, buy books from your local independent bookstore. Not only will you be supporting a small business in your community, but you will also have access to a curated selection of titles that reflect the local interests and preferences.
Attend events: Independent bookstores often host author readings, book signings, and other literary events. Attend these events to show your support and engage with your local literary community.
Spread the word: Share your love for your local independent bookstore on social media, recommend it to friends and family, and write positive reviews online. Word of mouth is a powerful tool that can help these bookstores reach new customers and thrive.
Volunteer: If your local bookstore has a volunteer program, consider donating your time and skills to help out. Whether it's shelving books, organising events, or assisting with social media, your support can make a big difference.
Buy gift cards: If you don't have time to visit your local independent bookstore in person, consider purchasing a gift card to give as a gift. It's a simple way to support the bookstore financially and encourage others to discover the joy of shopping local.
Shop our 'Independent Bookstore' Collection. In purchasing from this collection you will be supporting our wonderful small bookish business. A business that in turn supports and creates for all other Independent bookstores worldwide.
Also available in wholesale.

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