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September 2021 Interview with a Bookstagrammer

September 2021 Interview with a Bookstagrammer

This month's interview saw us chat to the wonderful Nandini, the brilliant creator behind @readmeinpastel. Make sure you take a look at her wonderful account! Thanks so much for chatting with us, Nandini.


How did you first become involved with the bookstagram community? Can you remember the moment you decided to create your account?

I got involved back in 2018. I'd just read The Priory of The Orange Tree, and I loved it so much! I needed to share my feelings with the rest of the world. That led to a little venture called Litmospheric. That account didn't last, but I came through and it's been a love affair ever since. Not to say that being part of bookstagram doesn't get exhausting at times- but I remind myself that I started the page to share my love for reading, and that's all that counts. 

What’s your favourite part of the bookstagram community and why is it so important to you?

My friends. I've met such wonderful, uplifting people here- people who have literally fought for me and what I believe in. Also, the beautiful small businesses that have come my way and the owners who have given me so much love. The creativity here is astounding, it never fails to inspire me. 

Do you think your content has evolved over the years, if so tell us more about that!

Oh yes, for sure. My first picture was my hand holding the big POTOT book in my garden, in front of a flower pot.  I don't think I developed much of a sense of what I wanted my content to look like until atleast six months had passed. It's still chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Do you have any other hobbies alongside books and reading? We’d love to hear more about them!

I have a dog, who is more my life and less a hobby, so I mostly spend my days loving on her. I also love to doodle, I'm a darn good cook, and I love writing! 

Have you always loved books? Tell us the book that cemented your love of reading! Any particular author who’s a huge inspiration?

Ah yes. I read my first book when I was maybe four or five? It was an Enid Blyton story, and believe it or not, I still have my childhood books and I still return to them from time to time just to remember how beautiful the journey that started is. My author inspiration would be Daphne du Maurier. Absolutely love her. 

So you’ve told us about your favourite writers, let’s talk about favourite characters! You can invite three fictional characters from literature to a dinner party, who are they and why did you choose them?

Haha! Samwise, because I want an invitation to the Shire. Genya, because I simply love her. And Morozko, because well I just have a huge crush on him. 

What's the best book you've read this year? 

Hands down The Once and Future Witches. 

Tell us your favourite account to follow. What do you love about it?

Oh definitely Tjlubrano. It's not just her talent. She's so kind and sweet and whimsy! Jen @bookbookowl is another favorite! I adore these ladies with my whole heart. 

Okay final hard hitting question… Dog ear or bookmark?

Haha! I have been on both ends (whoops) but now I'm definitely team bookmark. Plus, there are so many lovely options available!! 

Anything else you’d like to add or tell us about?

Keep doing what you love over here. People don't want to see stereotypes. They want to see you, raw, beautiful, whole. Believe in who you are, and keep creating. 


Nandini's Favourite Items!

Use the code NANDINI10 at checkout to get ten percent off Nandini's favourite items until 29th October. 

Thornfield Hall Literary Candle

The Cosy Night Big Book Bundle

Jane Eyre - The Bookishly Edition

Book Lover's Favourite Things Mug

Sunday Readers Society Sweatshirt

The Bennet Sisters Illustrative Tote Bag

Funny 'Too Many Books' Literary Tote Bag

Pride and Prejudice - The Bookishly Edition

Strong Female Characters Bookmark Bundle

Shakespeare 'She Is Fierce' Literary Sweatshirt

Inspiring 'No Need to Sparkle' Beautiful Journal Gift 

A Midsummer Night's Dream - The Bookishly Edition

Anne of Green Gables 'Dear Old World' Book Page Print

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Book Cover Print - Signed Limited Edition

Tess of the d'Urbervilles 'Who Knows What Tomorrow...' Bookmark

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