Quotes That Sum up Our Love for Reading on World Book Day 2020

Quotes That Sum up Our Love for Reading on World Book Day 2020

Of course we’re celebrating World Book Day and here’s how! 


These sweatshirts and t shirts are mostly samples (perfect condition) with a few seconds. Our adult sized sweatshirts are down from £32 to £21 and our children sized sweatshirts are down from £23 to £16. 


Our biggest EVER crate sale! With limited stock remaining, our past crates are now down from £35 to £24 or £22.There’s over £60 worth of goodies inside each one. 📖

✨ A fun little blog post with some of our favourite literary quotes about why we love reading and books SO much.

literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life - fernando pessoa

home is where there's a stack of books by the bed

a room without books is like a body without a soul - cicero

she is too fond of books and it has turned her braind - louisa may alcott

between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be

I am simply a book drunkard - L.M Montgomery

Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again - Louisa May Alcott

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me - C.S Lewis

We also thought today was the perfect opportunity to remind you of Room to Read, the wonderful charity we support. They transform primary schools around the world into child-friendly learning environments that enable children to become life-long, independent readers. You find out about the wonderful work they do on their website! 

Of course check out the World Book Day charity too! They do great work!

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