Hidden Treasures - Part Fourteen.

Hidden Treasures - Part Fourteen.

We've uncovered some more wonderful hidden treasures within our vintage books this month. Below are a few of our favourites! As always, we would love to know your thoughts. Know any additional info about the treasure's origin? Let us know! 

1. Couple Photograph.

We'd probably date the photograph of this young couple back to the seventies. It's such a lovely picture! We're always after ways to reunite these forgotten photos with their rightful owners. 

2. TV Rental Receipt.

Remember when renting a television was the norm? This receipt dates back to 1990. How is that nearly thirty years ago?!

3. Season Ticket Information Pamphlet. 

An information leaflet with everything you need to know about holding a season train ticket. For example, defacing your ticket will result in having to buy duplicate worth 2/0d. 



4. Indian Bread Recipe. 

We think! The handwriting is proving pretty difficult to read in this one!


5. Snow Day Fun.

A photograph of some snow day fun! Again, we're pretty sure this one is from the seventies. We all have fond memories of congregating with neighbours and friends on a snow day!


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