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Get Inspired: A La Bookishly

Get Inspired: A La Bookishly

If the name hasn’t given it away, we are book obsessed. In our eyes, a creation that has been inspired by literature is always a good thing.

Our framed book page art is one of our signature products; it’s loved by a lot of people. We love that we have been able to make something so wonderful out of an old book. We took this idea of upcycling and repurposing and decided to scour the Internet for further book inspired creations.  

We were not disappointed!

The lovely people we are, we’ve compiled a list of our favourites and all the details on where you can find them. All the lovely images belong to the companies, so please go and check them out if you like what you see! 

 1. Gabarage

Gabarage is an Austrian company who upcycle a number of old, disused items into a number of brilliant designs, each with varying purposes. Alongside producing wonderful products, they also possess really positive business values. We found this upcycled stool made from old books. Unfortunately, it looks like they’ve sold this piece a while ago but keep your eyes peeled! You can find them over on their website.


2. Bookish England

A simply gorgeous paper rose from Bookish England. They’re about on NOTHS and Etsy. We love this alternative to the traditional red rose. A romantic gesture that you can actually keep!

3. NoBookEndsUK

A UK based business selling on Etsy. They make some incredible sculptures out of books. Although on the pricier side, the detail and the craftsmanship that goes into these product is second to none. Take a look for yourself! Brilliant results. We’ll pick our jaws up from the floor now.

 4. Creaton Crafts

We are all for supporting local businesses and this Etsy seller can't be much more local to us here in Northamptonshire! They create a whole number of things, but we love her 3D book art. Repurposing objects is a brilliant idea and it looks very pretty too! 

5. Su Blackwell Art

We've saved the best until last! Su Blackwell is a brilliant artist but her book page creations literally blew our minds. Honestly, a-maz-ing. We'll let the pictures do the talking.  


Let us know what you think of these lovely creations!


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