Bookishly Free Colouring Pages and Activity Sheets
We've created some colouring pages based on our illustrations of classic authors, as well as some bookish activity sheets. Twelve pages! They are free to download for anyone that wants them! Just add to cart and go through checkout but you won't be asked for any card details.
The email with your download will follow just after your order confirmation email.
The set includes William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, L. Frank Baum, Jane Austen, Frances Hodgson Burnett Lewis Carroll, and a colouring version of our female authors poster.
Please share your creations with us online - @BookishlyUK
These designs are also available as a postcard set.
These sheets are for personal use only and not for resale in any form. We are happy for them to be used in schools and educational settings of course!
(At the moment the checkout process does ask for your address but we won't be using it for anything and your details are totally secure as they would be with any transaction on the site.)