6 Of The Most Underrated Characters In Harry Potter
Twenty years after Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published, J.K Rowling’s Wizarding World still continues to astonish me. The imagination, the idea, the intricacies of the plot detail - all of it. It’s incredible. Let’s not forget the hundreds of characters she has created: from Harry Potter to Hannah Abbott, Voldemort to Barty Crouch Junior - Rowling has thought of every tiny detail of every single character, regardless of their relevance to Harry Potter’s story. Middle names, favourite foods, family history, the list goes on. Whatever burning question you may have, whoever it may be about, Rowling will be able to answer it - and she often does over on her Twitter page!
With so many characters, there are bound to be a few who divide opinion. There’ll be some who you love, and others you simply can’t stand. There will be overrated characters, and underrated characters - which leads me to today’s post: Six of the Most Underrated Characters in Harry Potter (in my opinion).
Have a read through and let me know whether you agree or disagree with my list! Who would you add? Who would you get rid of? Get involved - debates are good, especially Harry Potter debates.
Charlie Weasley
I’m still not over Charlie Weasley not being in the films, (that family photograph in Egypt does not count). Charismatic, brave, as well as training and caring for dragons. He also recruited and led foreign wizards to join in the war against Voldemort. What’s not to love?
Remus Lupin
The best defence against the dark arts teacher that graced Hogwarts. He cared about his students, and was a huge support for Harry. Resolute in facing his own troubles and helping others to overcome theirs as well. I would have happily read a spin-off about Lupin’s trials and tribulations, and how he defeated them.
Kingsley Shacklebolt
An exceptionally skilled and talented wizard, Kingsley was a present and active role in all the key events of the Wizarding World. He was an Auror, an Order member, and went on to become Minister for Magic (that’s a pretty good C.V, by any standards). Most importantly, Kingsley recognised his extraordinary intelligence and ability, and used them for the greater good.
Fleur Delacour
The film mainly focused on Fleur’s beauty, which was an injustice to her character. Even in the books, she was an underrated character. Fleur was the best witch out of her entire school; fiercely brave and graceful, with an unbreakable loyalty to those she cared for. Fleur is a role model to young girls and a reminder for them to be exactly who they want to be.
Colin Creevey
He was a slightly annoying harry potter fanboy in the earlier books, there’s no denying that, but there are far worse people to look up to. Colin Creevey makes this list because of his brave decision to stand up and fight for what he believed in at the Battle of Hogwarts. Colin was told he was too young and was banned from participating in the battle, but snuck back secretly to fight with Harry - a boy he had always had faith in, even when others doubted him. Colin Creevey’s death was only given three lines, and he deserved more.
Narcissa Malfoy
Controversial? Most definitely. There will always be a part of me that believes Narcissa Malfoy played a pivotal role in ending the Battle of Hogwarts, and with that, helping to defeat Voldemort. She was by no means a good person, but she loved her son in the same way that Lily loved Harry - unconditionally. She knew Harry was alive, but told Voldemort otherwise, because she knew that defeating him was the only way she’d be able to ensure her family’s safety. Without that lie, Voldemort would have won.
Thanks for reading! We're super excited about next week, we're launching something very special in celebration of Harry Potter's 20th anniversary on Monday. Watch this space...
For now, taking a Sorting Hat Quiz to see which house you belong to might come in handy ;).
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