Five Items On Our Fictional Bucket List.
“Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be.“ A sentiment all book lovers can get behind! Sometimes there’s nothing better than forgetting about real life and escaping to somebody else’s world for a while. The appeal of this got us thinking about our fictional bucket list. If we could go to any fictional location and hang out with any fictional character where would we go, who would we meet and what would we do?
If we’re being honest, our entire list could have been Harry Potter related (a future blog post perhaps!) It was a toss up between causing mischief with the Marauder's Map or playing quidditch with the Gryffindor team... The appeal of flying on a broom and being part of that atmosphere was just too hard to resist.
2. Walking With Elizabeth Bennet
We would love to go for a countryside walk with Lizzie Bennet where we could chat for hours and put the world to right. Add in a little picnic break with Mr Darcy and it would be near enough perfect.
3. Learn To Fly With Peter Pan
The Shire in general to be honest. But having a drink with Frodo, Samwise and friends seems like it would be a lot of fun.
5. Grab Lunch With Sherlock
We'd just love an hour with him to try and figure out the inner workings of his brain. He'd definitely provide interesting conversation too.
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