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Who are the best and worst couples in literature? 💖

Who are the best and worst couples in literature? 💖

Valentine's Day is in a couple of days and we all enjoy a good love story. Here are (in our opinion) the best and worst couples in literature. 


The Best

Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe.

These two really withstood the test of time. From classroom rivals and reluctant friends, through to loving companions and (at long last) husband and wife. Any relationship that is built on the solid foundations of a lifelong friendship is worthy in our eyes. This will always be one of our all time favourite fictional romances.


“I have a dream,” he said slowly. “I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me that it could never come true. I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends - and you!”



Elizabeth Bennet & Mr Darcy.

Like all good love stories, these two did not care for one another at all upon their first meeting. Yet the more time they spent with one another, the more the two realised just how compatible they were. A shared sense of humour and cynicism, and a matched wit. Most importantly perhaps, they brought out the best in one another.


“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”



Hazel Lancaster & Augustus Waters.

We’re not crying, you are… Although the time spent together was fleeting, it was packed full of love, friendship, adventure and a deep level of respect and understanding. Their love story can teach us all an important lesson - to appreciate who and what we have with the time that is given to us. We’ll stop there because, to be entirely honest, we’re still not over it.


“I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”


The Worst

Romeo Montague & Juliet Capulet.

Yes, love at first sight is cute, and our inner teenager can appreciate their all consuming love for one another, but can we get real for just a moment? These two are irritating and self absorbed at best, they’re downright stupid at worse. Come on guys, it’s been less than a week. Don’t drink the poison.


“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,  my love as deep; the more i give to thee, the more i have, for both are infinite.”



Nick Dunne & Amy Dunne.

The ultimate toxic relationship - the result of two narcissists giving in to their egotistical beliefs. Nick was a bad person, self-obsessed with a huge ego, but at least there was a little glimmer of conscience there. Amy was grossly manipulative and calculating, and alarmingly clever with it. The two of them together are plain awful.


“Friends see most of each other’s flaws. Spouses see every awful last bit. If she punished a friend of a few months by throwing herself down a flight of stairs, what would she do to a man who was dumb enough to marry her?”


Catherine & Heathcliff.

Don’t get us wrong, this book is wonderfully written and it deserves its place as one of the all time greats ; but this relationship was a disaster from the very beginning. There’s a point where passion becomes merely a guise for obsessive and mutually destructive behaviour. Trying to hurt and control the person you love is never alright, and that’s what these two constantly obsess over.


“I hate him for myself, but despise him for the memory he revives.”



Who would you add to the list?

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