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Interview With a Bookstagrammer - September 2020

Interview With a Bookstagrammer - September 2020

It's time for our second 'Interview With a Bookstagrammer' and this month we spoke to the wonderful Emilie (@thebookranter). Emilie's feed is BEAUTIFUL and will give you all the cosy, autumnal feels! Please make sure to check out and follow her page to get your fix on brilliant book chat and even better book photos. We've also added a collection of Emilie's favourite products below with an exclusive discount code! 

Thanks so much for chatting with us, Emilie! 

How did you first become involved with the bookstagram community? Can you remember the moment you decided to create your account?

Well, not exactly.. But I’d just gotten my first proper Instagram-access phone (This was in 2015, mind you) and I was anxious to get on the Instagram wave. I’d recently discovered the booktube community and wanted to check out if there was a similar thing on Instagram. Turns out there was! And so, on a cold February evening I made my account after spending hours coming up with the perfect name, haha.

What’s your favourite part of the bookstagram community and why is it so important to you?

My favourite part are the people. Cheesy, I know. I’ve met so many amazing people (both URL and IRL!) all across the globe. New friendships, awesome book recommendations, aesthetically pleasing photos of books- what’s not to love about this community? *sigh* It’s important to me, because it keeps me updated on all things bookish. The best new releases, awesome merch, book-related drama and gossip.. Everything.

Your content has evolved over the years, tell us more about that! What opportunities has bookstagram brought you?

Oh, definitely. My theme (the way I style/edit my photos) has definitely evolved and changed for the better. I got better at styling my photos, editing, different angles and lighting, talking to people.. Unfortunately as my full-time education is taking up a lot of my time, I don’t get to be as active as I once was. So in that sense my content has evolved too, in a kind of bad way. But! I’m watching from the shadows. Stalking everyone’s accounts, reads and stories. Hehe.

Do you have any other hobbies alongside books and reading? We’d love to hear more about them…

I play a lot of video games! My favourites game are Skyrim, the Borderlands franchise, the Legend of Zelda series, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption II and so on. I also watch a lot of cartoons, animes and shows. And my cat. My lazy cat is also a hobby/obsession.

Have you always loved books? Tell us the book that cemented your love of reading! Any particular author who’s a huge inspiration?

Yes, I have. My mom always praised my book choices when I was little and read them to me as nighttime stories, so they were kind of cemented from the very beginning. The one that really hit me was “The Time Travelers” by Linda Buckley-Archer. I fell in love. I believe I was around 10-11 when I first read the series.

A story of two 21st century children who are transported back to 1763 and must find their way back with the help of Gideon Seymour, thief and gentleman. The descriptions of this exotic, faraway country of England enchanted me as a little kid. You could almost smell the river Thames’ stink on a hot summer day, hear the horse-drawn carriages and feel the cobblestones beneath your feet. A book I recommend anyone who asks me what my favourite book is.

Also, of course the more classic answer; Harry Potter. But that one is kind of obvious for a lot of us, isn’t it? Love-love-loved that one as well.

Oh, also Cassandra Clare’s books! Speficially the Infernal Devices. Will Herondale was my first big book crush and still is. Clockwork Prince was the first book I ever bought in English, actually. I still have it! Bought it in 2011. So it holds a very special place in my heart.

Let’s talk about favourite characters! You can invite three fictional characters from literature to a dinner party, who are they and why did you choose them?

I have many, many bookish characters I’d like to meet. From classic literature to fantasy novels. But for now I’d go with:

William Herondale from the Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. Because he was my first bookish crush, and will forever be my number one book-boyfriend. BACK OFF LADIES.

Rubeus Hagrid (need I say where he’s from?) because- it’s Hagrid. The loveliest, kindest person I could ever imagine inviting to a dinner party. Plus, he’d probably bring like 5 different fun creatures!

Arthur Weasley. Who wouldn’t wanna sit down and discuss rubber ducks with this guy?! He’s also amongst my favourite literary characters, I have a thing for quirky and kind characters.

What’s the best book you’ve read in the last year?

Like I said I’ve been super busy with school and therefore haven’t read that much. But! One of the best books of the few I have read, is definitely Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. Oh my god. Read it, best fantasy book I’ve read in years. African folklore, strong female lead, MAGIC? Yes please. Also the cover is fantabulous.

Tell us your favourite account to follow! What do you love about it?

I looooove following @katy_who – her account is writer-folklore-y goodness. She is a fantastic writer, takes beautiful photos in serene locations, has the most gorgeous hair and is just super kind. Love!

Okay final hard hitting question… Dog ear or bookmark?

Honestly it depends. If it’s a beautiful copy of some expensive special edition book (or any other normal book, lol) then of course bookmark. But if it’s an old, beaten-up copy of some favourite filled with marks, love and scribbles I sometimes dog ear it. I must shamefully admit that I like rough-loving my favourite books.

Anything else you'd like to add or tell us about? 

Not really.. Remember to wear a mask!


Emilie's Favourites

Use the code EMILIE10S for ten percent off the following items until 30th October.

Empowering Postcard Set - 12 Pack

Jane Austen Postcard Set - 12 Pack

C.S Lewis 'Tea & Books' Book Lover Mug

'Between The Pages' Pink Book Lover Mug

Alice in Wonderland 'Bonkers' Rainbow Mug

Professor McGonagall Funny Book Lover Mug

Previous article Literature's Best Quotes About Fathers


Federica - October 23, 2020

I also loved Children of Blood and Bone. These interviews are so lovely! You should do one with Womanon next!

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