Hidden Treasures Part Six
Here is part six of our favourite mini blog series. Our latest selection of special finds; our lovely hidden treasures.
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This was particularly cool. Each month receive hundreds and hundreds of vintage books, that we have to check and sort through. In one of those vintage books, we found one of old, discontinued bookmarks. How cool is that? Out of all the places for it to end up, it was the workshop it was sent out from!
Dated back to 1988 (nearly thirty years ago!) This postcard was sent from an Ingrid and Joseph to a Matuto. The photo on the front shows Santorini looking just as picturesque and beautiful as it does now. It reads:
Dear Matuto,
Our short holiday here is flying. Joseph says it is compulsory for us to swim everyday. On some beaches the pebbles really hurt, but the water and colour are great.
Our love to you, Ingrid and Joseph
Ingrid and Joseph, we are so jealous of past you.
A reminder to sign up to the register of electors, dated back to 1970. There is something so charming and immediate about this form; the handwritten address, the stamp, the personability of the message. Most of all, it shows how far technology has come in such a short space of time.
We found this leave pass so interesting. The questions on the form such as, “is ration card issued?” makes us think that it’s from the 1950s at the very least!
Definitely not as interesting in terms of historical value, but a fun little find nevertheless. It’s always interesting seeing what people buy in their weekly food shop (that probably says more about us than anything!) This particular list was written on the back of this cute, little postcard. Beats a scrapped receipt from your back pocket or a text on your phone any day!
We found this old black and white photograph of a steam train either arriving in to or departing from its station. An educated guess would date this picture back to around the 1940s. We wish we had more information than just that. The front of the train shows that it has the number 46455 written on it. Do you guys know if that means anything?
We loved this little piece of writing we found by Dianne Paice. How amazing would it be if we were able to find her or one of her relatives? It would be lovely to reunite her with an old piece of work, and there’s plenty of information to go off lol! It reads:
Dianne Paice is my name. I have a bookcase full of books. I have one sister and a guinea pig called Ella May. My teacher’s name is Miss Russell. I have lots of friends. I enjoy games and my favourite games are netball and football. My favourite subject at school is History. I also enjoy English and some Maths like saying my tables to someone and writing them down on paper. My family and I live in Banbury. When I am old enough to work, I want to be a stable-hand.
This whole thing is made better by the fact that she’s a fellow book lover. Amazing.
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Hope you enjoyed this edition of our Hidden Treasures series. As always, any additional information on any of our finds would be amazing! The more we get to find out the better. Thanks for reading! X
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