Famous Literary Couples | Bookishly's Top Ten
Literature is renowned for having created some of the greatest and most enviable romances of all time. Love the smush? We do. With the helpful contributions from our friends online, we've successfully compiled a list of the top literary romances.
(Just so you know, we've linked our beautiful editions of classic books! They're a great addition to any bookshelf.)
Our top ten best fictional couples in no particular order...
1. Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague - Romeo and Juliet
Don't get us wrong, they're incredibly problematic, but they're iconic - we couldn’t leave them out! These two will always be the faces of young love.
2. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Do we need to add anything more? A romance where both characters needed one another to be the best versions of themselves.
3. Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester - Jane Eyre
A romance where true love prevails, despite undergoing a number of trials and tribulations. We get to see their love on a number of different levels, not just that initial spark and attraction.
4. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley - Harry Potter Series
The most charming of relationships. From two children who often butted heads, a fiercely loyal friendship as two teenagers, to a blossoming romance in early adulthood. We were able to follow their story from beginning to end.
5. Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe - Anne of Green Gables
Similar to that of Hermione and Ron, we were able to follow the somewhat complicated relationship of Gilbert and Anne from their very first meeting as children who were intellectual rivals to a happily married couple. A whole will they/won’t they follows much of their story but Gilbert’s loyalty and patience pays off in the end!
6.Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler - Gone With The Wind
A romance that was as exciting and interesting as it was unpredictable and turbulent. Their characteristics that made them so compatible were also the reasons why their marriage broke down. It’s rather frustrating - they both truly and sincerely loved one another but they realised and acted up on this love at the wrong time.
7. Emma Woodhouse and Mr Knightley - Emma
A friendship that eventually evolves in to a relationship and then marriage. Their romance is a breath of fresh air; full of compassion and very selfless. Mr Knightley in particular, is a genuine and kind man who only wants what’s best for Emma - even if that means sacrificing his own happiness, wants and needs.
8. Hazel and Augustus - The Fault In Our Stars
A short romance but a wonderful one. Though very sad it’s a love story that teaches us to make the most out of everything, even those small (seemingly insignificant) moments.
9. Ifemulu and Obinze - Americanah
A wonderful romance where despite life forcing them on different paths, they find their way back to one another at a time when it matters most.
10. Claire and Henry De Tamble - The Time Traveller’s Wife
An unconventional and difficult romance but an honest one. Though their love story is sad and unfair, it’s also at times, incredibly happy with both Claire and Henry not taking the times they have together for granted.
There we have it, our favourite literary couples, although we could have easily made it top twenty! Who would be in your list?
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