Bookishly's Famous Five - Father's Day Edition
Father's Day is just around the corner, so we've put together a mini gift guide to help you get that perfect present. Afterall, he deserves to know just how much you appreciate him!
1. Literature's Iconic Dads Father's Day Card.
Because your dad is up there with the very best, right? This lovely card is part of our literary list collection. £3.25.
2. Shakespeare 'Beard' Framed Book Page Print.
Is your dad a big fan of the beard? This framed book page print is absolutely perfect for him. £19.95
3. Vintage James Bond & Coffee Three Month Subscription.
Vintage James Bond and delicious coffee delivered to your door once a month, for three months. You can't get much better than that... £29.95.
4. Personalised Foil Star Mar Print.
New dad? Buying on behalf of your little one? This star map print shows the sky above you over the exact moment your baby was born. £46.00.
5. Book Lover 'One More Chapter' Mug.
If your dad is a renowned book worm, then he will love this mug. We've all been there... Just one more chapter - the next thing you know it's 3AM. £12.50.
If any of these of caught your eye, or you'd like to explore more of our Father's Day collection then you can do so right here. :)
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