Happy Black Friday!
Here's a tiny bit of information about our 15% off site-wide. The discount is automatically added for you, you'll see it as a line of red text in your shopping cart.
It doesn't combine with other discount codes, or with our 2 for £40 on Book Page Prints. The way the technology works means that it will override the 2 for £40 if you have multiple Book Page Prints in your cart along with anything else. We are happy for you to put through multiple transactions in this case so that you get the 2 for £40 AND the Black Friday discounts on your order. The same goes for the mulitbuy offer on Christmas Decorations.
The other product that is restricted by the technology is the Classic of the Month recurring subscription product. The checkout for this is separate to everything else so it won't apply. But you can get the set-length gift subscription for the same product.
Any questions let us know! hello@bookish.ly